




























The Toxic Goodbye

Types of Relations

Relationship is where our most obvious self-reflections are. In a single relationship, multiple lessons can be learned. To reap all the fruits of learning from one relation, means not needing to repeat the same lessons through future relations. Relations are for our enjoyment and our evolution. There are karmic and dharmic relations. Karmic relations are for working out some misunderstanding and releasing dense energies. Dharmic relations are for the purpose of mutual support, higher growth, and learning. We evolve and become more of what we are through dharmic relations.

Attraction brings two people together, whether it is positive or negative attraction. Positive attraction creates enough energetic connection to progressively direct us towards the deeper learning. Negative attraction (or repulsion) brings people together involuntarily also for the sake of learning. For example, two people who don’t get along but must complete a work project together. Then there is the positive attraction that turns into a negative attraction, as in a marriage that progressively degenerates into expressions short of honesty and love.

The Positive Kind of Negative Expression

Hurt is normally involved in karmic relationships. Either from the start or somewhere down the line, negative attraction keeps you connected. Here, separation is not easy even though we try. Karma seems to bind you together as the mutual learning is not yet complete.

Sometimes we can heal from relationship hurt on our own, sometimes not. If a karmic agreement is in place, then no matter how hard we try, relationship pain may not go away. This one pain is not easily shaken. Interestingly, sometimes we are in pain not because we have something to resolve inside, but because we are meant to hold onto that pain long enough for the other to realize the impact of their actions. Here, our pain is just a function of helping the other to see themselves. Once you express this pain, and they receive the lessons in sensitivity, listening, empathy and responsibility, then your pain coincidentally subsides. This means your pain was only a placeholder for the reflection that the other needed. In this case, your negative expression of pain is a positive force for good.

Negativity vs Attack

When does a negative expression become a negative projection, and therefore not a force for good? A negative expression is self-contained, it can be passionate and even extreme but still, ​it will not offend the other. Negative projection is not contained, it is an attempt to transfer pain and responsibility onto the other. We do all that we can to be seen, received, understood, empathized or sympathized with. We do all that we can to make our case for being right ​and prove the other wrong. If our negative projections are rejected by the other, then our negativity may escalate to the point of toxicity. Here, we start to attack the other but convince ourselves it is justified because they are after-all they are to blame.

Whether we are attacking others or others are attacking us, it is important to see that we are in an extreme circumstance. This escalation has occurred because both the one getting attacked and the attacker are drenched in deep unawareness. The attacker cannot take responsibility for their pain and is in a full mode of toxic blame. The one getting attacked cannot see how their insensitivity has created the situation. Both need a deeper level of self-inquiry, and fast, in order to avoid further harm and the creation of further karma.

Any time negativity is projected at us, we are asked to enter a deeper level of seeing, sensitivity, empathy, ​and responsibility. This reflection has its reasons. Until we surrender to this learning, the negativity will not cease. Until we soften and allow the full truth of this reflection to reach us, the negativity will not cease. Extended negativity projected at us enables our own extended self-reflection. When we have gone to the ends of the intended learning, then negativity projected our way can release itself.

It is generally not the highest decision to just decide to shield yourself from negativity and make a “clean” break from a relation. From an evolutionary view, every relation needs to be restored to love, harmony, forgiveness, ​and gratitude. If it has not reached that point, then there is still a ​road to rough. If the other is completely unreasonable, cutting them off may be the only path, however, ​most people assess this point pre-maturely in order to avoid meeting deeper more uncomfortable truths. A “clean” break is not clean ​if one or both is​ holding animosity to any degree. Walking away on the outside doesn’t mean we able to on the inside.

Someone treating us negativity and someone attacking us are two very different levels of learning. When we are attacked, it means we need a reflection strong enough to wake us from the depth of our slumber. We only get attacked if we are deeply unconscious on some level ​because otherwise positivity or just a touch of negativity is enough to learn. Let’s recap, and explore further reasons why we get attacked.

9 Reasons Why We Get Attacked

1. To learn responsibility. If we are not acknowledging our impact on the other, our ability to hurt another being, and affect them negativity, then attack comes.

2. To learn sensitivity, learning, ​and empathy. Again, if we ignore how we have affected the other, they will retaliate in way strong enough for us to see.

3. To learn self-defence. If we don’t know how to stand in our power, we may get pushed continuously until we stand up for ourselves. This is getting attacked in order to learn self-protection, the setting of boundaries, and the restoration of self-worth and dignity.

4. To complete karma. If we have acted in the same way as our current perpetrator, then we are now experiencing the painful effects of our similar harmful past actions. This attack, helps us to see our own extremes ​and offers us a chance to change ourselves through embracing the other.

5. To complete negative desire. If we have angst, vengeance, revenge inside us, we may send out subconscious vibrations inviting conflict and attack so that we can release the violence inside of ​us. Almost any small trigger gives you just enough to justify a counter attack. Could be past life related, or part of our lower intent for incarnation.

6. To learn discernment. Due to our lack of clarity, awareness and intuitive sensibilities, we enter unhealthy relations bringing unnecessary harm to us. Getting attacked wakes us into higher seeing and educates our naivity.

7. To gain healing. Our wounds interact with the wounds of the other. We trigger each other in ways that surface​ pain hidden deep inside. It is learning our way back to a higher form of love, compassion, harmony, compassion.

8. To overcome fear. Their attack shows us our fear ​and our identification with an ​ego who is the only one that can experience threat. By overcoming our fear of attack, we experience our eternal nature that is deathless and never under threat.

9. To test our higher self. Our ability to not fall into lower nature tendency to hit back, or project judgment and negativity back. Our ability to stay in love, embrace and compassion towards this which is standing in the core of darkness which is the core of pain. The attack​ is then is a test of our spirituality.

The Toxic Goodbye

If we don’t go as far as we can towards resolution, the negative thinking of the other and their toxic energy keeps getting projected at you. For example, a child who is ignored will retaliate until heard, thus, if you do not hear the cries of one you have hurt, they will launch greater attacks, or gather supporters for their view until you are willing to hear them. They create a reflection too huge for you to avoid, they create enough pressure that you cannot escape easily​. If you don’t resolve it, you must expend energy in holding up a field of self-protection. If harmony is restored, then you roam free, and there is no need to expend energy trying to “shield” yourself. Do your best to avoid any level of a toxic goodbye.

The key is to reach out to them in a state of peace and harmony. Come from your highest consciousness. If you hold to your higher self-stronger​ than they hold to their lower self, then the situation will be resolved. If you give way and surrender to the truth they are reflecting back at you, then they release the karmic need to be a placeholder for what you need to see. If you become soft, sensitive, listening and can empathize with the depth of their pain, whether you caused the whole of it or not, then they will soften, for they are seen and that is essentially what they needed.

If you can hold enough space for them to expel their pain, without taking personally what is not yours, then you help them to heal. If they put up a wall of defense, judgment and attack further, the greatness of your love and acceptance can melt that. If your love and acceptance are​ not melting that in them, then perhaps you are missing a deeper truth yourself. If they remain hard, and cannot stop their downward spiral into darkness and harmful retaliation, and you have gone to the end of expressed love, then it is okay to remove yourself.

In life, there are important moments. It is important to see that the ending of relationships is always an important moment, especially if there is toxicity there. If so, it is important to clear this as best as you can, so that you can evolve in a way free of karmic lash-back. To pave your way smoothly into the future, it is important for collective consciousness to see you in your light and bless you. Of course, ​we cannot try to please all, but we can try to move forward in integrity while putting out fires that are still burning, keeping as many bridges alive and well as possible. Do your best to bring all karmic relations to harmonious completion. While it is tempting to just walk away when things get really bad, know that the toxic goodbye is ultimately the least favorable​ outcome for your journey into the future.

