






更高的存在 – 對師傅皈依的道路







最後,一個敏感和智慧的靈魂會從每件事物中學習,所有的生命、所有的人、所有的生物、風、太陽、月亮和星星都是他們的老師。將自己限制於任何一個人或幾個人是否有優勢?有較高層次和較低層次的教師。如果你將自己與高振動的覺醒者調準,你就會更迅速、更直接的提昇自己,比起你透過不與壞榜樣學習。有無數集中注意力的方法,但如果你在朝向光前進,那麼最好讓自己置身於燈塔中。他們會自然透過你與他們的共鳴,而將拉你起來。而不斷接觸低的和無意識的人,會在相反的方向滲透你的注意力。擁有覺醒的老師、導師,專注於幫助你提升自己到你下一個最高層次,是療癒和提升非常直接的途徑。沒有指導者,我們可以引導自己,但這就像在沒有星星的夜晚,穿越黑暗的森林,而且選擇不拿手電筒,為了什麼原因,為了證明你靠自己做到了嗎? 如果可以得到幫助的話,這麼做是不需要的,你可以更明智的接受幫助。


















How to Choose a Spiritual Guide

The importance of a guide cannot be underestimated. If you want to learn anything in life quickly, directly and effectively, then the fastest way is to seek help from a master of what you wish to master. A child who sits down in front of an alphabet in one hand and a book in another who has no guidance might take years to decode it correctly and actually become literate. Or, a beginner who meets a complex instrument for the first time with no clear instruction may require years of trial and error, energy and effort to possibly but not definitely learn how to play. The evolutionary path of purification, healing, awakening and ascension, the realization of your soul and her potential union with the Beyond is not a task any easier to decode.

Human life appears deceptively simple on one hand, and yet most people are continuously challenged and conflicted by it, stumbling from one mistake to another, to the point of frustration, anger, disappointment and suffering. People are learning through mistakes and pain, however it is possible to learn through the wisdom of an awakened soul and heart instead.

The evolutionary path can be subtle and elusive. It requires immense inner sensitivity and awareness to begin to learn how to navigate it correctly. The path of self–realization or enlightenment is a great undertaking, likely the greatest undertaking a soul can take. To have spiritual guidance is a precious foresight; it is like preparing a clear map for the long journey ahead. The guide does not take you there, but the guide shows you a straightforward way. There are clear principles and laws that guide the inner dimension and it truly cannot be underestimated how important it is to have a spiritual guide.

Not all guides are the same, and the ability of a guide to assist you in your evolution is mostly dependent on the guide’s own journey. Most guides have experienced some degree of self-realization, but it is rare to find a guide that is completely realized. Among truly self-realized guides, it is rare to find a guide who can transfer what they know into a lucid teaching and clear path for the seeker. The most realized being might not be able to help you as much a lesser-realized being. This means they may be living in a higher state, but may not actually know how to guide you to where they are. Strange but true, sometimes we don’t know how we got to where we are. What matters, is the ability of a guide to assist you effectively at the stage you are at. A guide with a huge following may not be able to provide you with the level of personal feedback and interactive closeness that you need. A guide with a smaller following may have more personal time for you, but may not have a high enough perspective to really see you.

If you can find a guide who can interact with you personally, truly see you, and assist you through many levels of self-development, this is a rare gem. Limiting yourself to one guide can help you to dive deep into their teachings and offering. Not limiting yourself to one guide can help you to access many different ways of self-development and self-realization. Having too many guides can cause you to not go deep in any direction and end up confused. On the other hand, having many guides can help you achieve objectivism, non-exclusivity and expand you beyond the dogmatism of a single approach.

A true guide has gone through the many internal fires of self-purification and has worked to raise their being through several, if not all, layers of density and heaviness to manifest their highest vibration as their true self. This guide has gone into their internal depth, they have met the ends of their darkness and their light, and they know how to be authentic to the core. They live for truth and have found a way to deliver that inside love. This guide does not play games or misuse power.

They don’t pretend to be more realized than they are, and they don’t promise to take you into states that they cannot. They are humble, but they are clear enough to show you exactly what they can and cannot help you with. They know when to help a seeker, and when to let the seeker go and make their own way. They are careful not to foster a seeker’s dependence and works towards the seeker’s final empowerment and detachment from need for the guide.


There is another calibre of spiritual guidance that has its place but needs to be seen in the right light. Certain beings claim to have incarnated for the purpose of raising humanity to a new and higher level of being. They are unusual as children and exhibit a naturally exalted state of consciousness. They may claim to be a messiah, avatar, divine mother or father, saint or sage, lama, Buddha or bodhisattva, channel, clairvoyant or a special being with extraordinary powers. They may offer transmissions of energy, grace or initiations into higher states or transformative processes. Just to be in their presence, may bring about truly profound and inexplicable changes.

Normally the power of a great teacher is a combination of (1) some unique qualities they hold and (2) the illusive projection of people’s belief unto them. The more people that project thoughts of grandeur and exaltation onto the guide, the stronger the guide becomes. A rock that is said to be a sacred rock, and receives visitation by many people, starts to amass energy in its field. People’s constant projection onto that rock as a ‘special rock’, then creates a cycle of power in which, the power that is projected onto the rock is then returned to the projecting seeker. The seeker receives a big experience and attributes it to the rock, whereas it was the power of their belief that created this external illusion of power transference.

The most interesting phenomena is that both the guru and the devotee, or teacher and student will play this game for some time until one of them wakes up and steps out. The student normally has some depleted sense of self worth and cannot conceive of their own goodness, wholeness and worth, and instead see that as an exclusive quality of a higher being. If the guide is truly lucid, teaching out of integrity, and has no ulterior motives, then they will inform the seeker that this projection is false, and that the potential of one human is the potential of all. If the guide is self-deluded, or teaching to amass power, wealth or status for example, then they will likely protect the bubble of this illusion for as long as possible. The true guide is clean in their intention inside and out. They may have an organization, but they are willing to let the organization fall apart it becomes an obstacle to their ability to live in truth, or to their ability to help seekers realize the truth.

The difficulty with a devotional guru based path is that it does not often lead to independence and self-empowerment. One is led into believing that though they may not “need” this higher being, that continued resonance with them will help them to sustain their progress. The external teacher continues to overshadow the internal teacher, and the seeker grows more into dependency and helplessness. When we cannot see our self clearly, the guidance of a teacher is essential so we can quickly and directly work through our blind spots. When we come to a point of enough inner clarity, it is important for the guide to then begin return the power back to the seeker that was initially lent to them. The projection of wisdom and knowingness as only belonging to the guide needs to be shattered. The seeker must then step into self-responsibility and begin to access the knowing within, and the ability to guide oneself.

To be fair and true, some beings do actually hold a higher resonance and vibration, they are more realized than others and do hold certain real spiritual gifts. Contact with them can propel your being into a higher state of realization causing you to deeply remember who you are. For example, your pain touches their love and then you pain begins to remember love inside the core of pain. Just to be near some beings can cause instant healing, cleansing or ascension. Sometimes a seeker is so lost in confusion and darkness that without contact with a higher vibratory being, they cannot see light or a way out. Contact helps them renew faith and this may be very necessary in helping the seeker pull himself out of his stagnation or the quicksand of his downward spiral. This guide’s role may be to offer you a vibrational resonance so that you glimpse a higher state that you didn’t know was possible. Your meeting with them is a gift in self-remembrance and an opening to higher path.

Basically, a guide who has walked the path in depth has the capacity to guide others. If you have found a guide who is truly resonant with your being, then even spending a lifetime with them is not necessarily an act of dependence and attachment. What matters more than the length of time you spend with a guide, is the inner space from which you are relating to the guide. If following a path helps you to center more in your own inner power, knowing and authority, and refrain from illusive projections onto a guide, then it may be your highest path. Here are some essential questions to ask when choosing a guide, keeping in mind, it may be healthy to engage different guides at different times in life, and it may be healthy to release yourself from all external guidance finally or at various points in life.

13 Questions to Ask when choosing a Guide

1. Has the guide gone through an in-depth process of self-cultivation?

2. Has the guide purified their human character?

3. Has the guide awakened their higher spiritual self?

4. Has the guide reached a holistic state of self-realization?

5. If not, is the guide honest about their shortcomings and actual level?

6. Is the guide sincere, honest and coming from the right intent?

7. Does the guide have a clear pathway and teaching to guide you?

8. Or does their path lead to life long dependence on their guidance and grace?

9. Does the guide make undeliverable promises and create false hope?

10. Does this path eventually lead to independence and self-empowerment?

11. Have their long-term students been clearly raised into a higher state?

12. Is the guide an example of what you wish to achieve?

13. Has the guide integrated their spirituality into a balanced life?

