







我們的忠誠應該與自己的原則聯繫,而不是與我們的指導者聯繫。因為如果我們的指導者失去了方向,那麼我們也會失去方向。所有的指導者,無論多麼不可思議、崇高、如神一般,或具有特殊的力量,仍然會受到他們的人性所影響。沒有指導者是真正完美的, 真的,真的。如果我們變得執著或依賴於我們的指導者,那麼現在是撤退的時候了,去奪回自己。無論我們的教師多麼有智慧或開悟,他們的真理和道路不應該取代我們自己的尊嚴。

一個人不會與他所追尋的分離,人們不應忽略這一點。沒有人持有拯救我們或使我們解脫的鑰匙,是這樣,我們就要失去我們的自尊、我們的中心、 或我們自己,才能獲得它。沒有人有可以拯救你的唯一鑰匙、唯一訊息、唯一教導和唯一恩典。宇宙是豐富的,沒有人需要在靈性道路上成為乞丐。最好的指導者告訴你如何開啟自己的知曉,和你與生俱來的智慧,他們幫助你逐步恢復自己的力量。然而請牢記在心,這可能需要數年或數十年真誠的自我工作。這取決於你將多少的內容帶進這一世來處理。



~ Avalon






How to Walk the Path

Every teaching, no matter how enlightened, is subjective. Every teaching, no matter how expansive, is only a point of view. Most teachings specialize only in selected areas. Few teachings, if any, are truly holistic. To be holistic, is to cover every single area of human development – succinctly and completely. It would mean one source has all the answers.

It is a beginner’s mistake to take one’s path as the ultimate path. Since, a path cannot really be known from the outside, to say one’s path is “the best” precludes having walked every other possible path to then reasonably draw this conclusion.

We tend to be exclusive when we have seen little. Conversely, we tend to be non- conclusive when we have seen a lot. If one has truly seen a lot, then many gems across the vast expanse of human knowledge will be seen. Truth is not the monopoly of one. No source has the only key. No teacher is the chosen teacher. No group is the chosen group.

The map of evolution is expansive and without end. If every teaching is seen within the context of a greater map, then dogma disappears. It is then up to each person to see what teaching fulfills what part of the map. Where there are gaps, one should supplement one’s knowledge.

At the center of the compass, at the center of navigation, should be oneself. No external teacher, teaching or tradition should occupy one’s central knowingness. Bottom-line is one must trust one’s own deepest knowing. If we seek externally, without having developed our own knowingness, then we risk losing our truth to the truth of another.

There is no ‘this’ path or ‘that’ path – only your path and the guides you choose at various points, for various durations on your path. We do not have to reap all the fruits from what each path offers. When a path has helped us to complete what we needed, we can move in another direction. Our task is not to complete paths as presented, but to gather their support in the proportions we need.

Since there is so much confusion and delusion at the beginning of one’s path, we do need to lend our openness and trust to our awakened guides at first. Obstacles, pitfalls and our own blind spots are plentiful, and to have a guide help us, some degree of surrender is needed at the beginning. This surrender however is not slavish, it is a softening of our being so love and truth can come through.

Our allegiance should be tied to our principles, and not to our guide; for if our guide loses course, then we would lose course, as well. All guides no matter how incredible, exalted, divine-like, or endowed with special powers – are still affected by their human nature. No guide is perfect, truly, truly. If we have become needy or dependent on our guide, then it is time to retreat in order to regain ourselves. No matter how wise or enlightened our teachers are – their truth and path should never supplant the dignity of our own.

One is not separate from what one seeks. One should not lose sight of this. No ones holds the keys to our salvation or liberation, such that we have to lose our integrity, our center, our knowingness, or our selves – to gain it. No one has the only key, the only transmission, the only teaching, the only grace that will save you. The universe is abundant. No one needs to become a beggar on the path. The best guide shows you how to open the knowingness in yourself, your innate wisdom, and they help you to progressively regain your power. Keeping in mind however, this could take several years or decades of genuine self-work. It depends on how much content you brought into this life to sort out.

The only thing to note is that many people only skim the surface of what a path can offer, and with a partial understanding and experience of it, decide they are ready to navigate themselves. Their step into independence is pre-mature. The ego is often ready to make a statement of readiness, or even in an empty attempt to find purpose, begin to teach. It is a great responsibility to guide others spiritually, and often many years of in-depth self-inquiry, processing, meditating, contemplation, learning from others and transformative life experiences are needed to raise a person into enough clarity to light the path for others. So while, there is caution to not get caught up in a path, also, one should also dive in fully and deeply enough so that a path’s true fruits can be reaped.

To conclude: honour one’s deepest knowing, remain the sole navigator on your path, engage teachers and teachings within the context of the wider map of evolution of which no single source holds all the answers or keys. Trust that by staying sincere, integral and dedicated, existence will wholly support you.

~ Avalon
